Question : Cisco 2611 Crypto IKMP Memory Problem


I have two Cisco 2611 VPN Access routers, each with several IPSEC GRE tunnels and servicing dynamic VPN Clients (using Cisco VPN Client 4.0)

Two weeks ago both routers locked up, with no telnet access, and attempts to Console in we rejected with "Not enough Memory, please try again later".  A reboot cleared this problem, but since that I have been monitoring the 'Processor Memory' of each router, using the 'sh proc mem sort' command, it is easy to spot that the Crypto IKMP is eating up memory.  Below is the output:

Total: 50609192, Used: 23175320, Free: 27433872

Total: 50609192, Used: 23175320, Free: 27433872
PID      TTY      Allocated         Freed            Holding          Getbufs       Retbufs          Process
110       0      373375560     358003524       16058180           780              0            Crypto IKMP
0          0           148760               1848        4648980               0              0           *Init*
111       0        2082644          1479876          223572               0              0           IPSEC key engine
136      0        99659428        99520896          179404               0              0           IP-EIGRP Router
43        0         7517420             11440             64324     1054440      18240           IP Input
113      0            53116                 320             59672               0              0           CRYPTO QoS proce
6         0          1768044         1293952            50548        430700    1525568          Pool Manager
109      0              8696            470372            33572                0              0           Crypto ACL

From this you can see that the Crypto IKMP is holding 16058180, 3 days ago the Holding Memory status of the Crytpo IKMP was only 5232460 and now is the top memory consumer.  Is there any commands I can use to debug this further? Could this be due to a config error on one of the IKMP statement? Are there any Logging commands I can use.  I have looked round Cisco's site for some clues, but have been unsuccessful so far.

Our Clients using the Cisco VPN client 4.0 are also constantly being disconnected with 'Remote Peer is no longer responding', could these be linked?

Any pointers will be gratefully accepted.



Answer : Cisco 2611 Crypto IKMP Memory Problem

Here is the url for the bug tool, look under featured tools:

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