Question : how to send all mail to a certain domain as plain text?

I've installed GFI FaxMaker 14 on our SBS 2003 running Exchange 2003. I need to send plain text emails to the domain

I don't want to do a VBA routine/sneakernet to every PC on the domain, and I don't want my users to have to click a button to convert their messages to plain text. I created a rule in "Internet Message Formats" but it still sends messages wrapped in MIME. If this can be done with VBA, it would be fine if I can push it out to all of the computers from my desk. There are about 35 computers.

Thank you Experts!

Answer : how to send all mail to a certain domain as plain text?

I am not sure what else to suggest - I have run out of ideas and one of them should have worked already.  You may want to close the thread and ask the same question again, but refer to this question (for the next 4 days) until it gets deleted.

Sorry - it's got me stumped.


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