'To check the login time and disable the account
Dim dDate, oUser, oObject, oGroup
Dim iFlags, iDiff, iResult
dim arrweeks()
'Point to group containing users to check
Set oGroup = GetObject("WinNT://MyDomain/Domain Users")
'Enable error trapping
On error resume Next
'for each user object in the group...
For each oObject in oGroup.Members
x = x + 1
'ensure the user isn't a computer account!
If (oObject.Class="User") And _
(InStr(oObject.Name, "$") = 0) Then
'retrieve the user object
Set oUser = GetoObject(oObject.ADsPath)
'get the last login Date from the domain
'and strip off the time portion
'(just need the date)
dDate = oUser.get("LastLogin")
dDate = Left(dDate,8)
dDate = CDate(dDate)
'calculate how long ago that was in weeks
iDiff = DateDiff("ww", dDate, Now)
'store into an array
arrweeks(x) = idiff
arrusername(x) = oObject.Name
End If
End If
Do until strcount = 1
y = y + 1
If arrusername = "" then
strcount = 1
msgbox "account name" & vbtab & arrusername(y) & vbcrlf & _
"how long since last login (weeks)" & vbtab & arrweeks(y) "
End If