Question : What's wrong with my Wireless ISP?

Hi i was hoping since the technicians at my Wireless ISP has not or aren't able to resolve this issue am experiencing for over a month now that the guys here might be able to give some help....The problem with my connection is that it cuts of or drops every 20mins or so round the clock everyday...I have 1 neighbor and 2 uncles that live like a stone throw away from me to the east and west of my home....All of us cut off the same doesn't matter if we r using a wireless router cause i have 1 but my two uncles do not have any so i know that's not the problem..I did some basic troubleshooting like try different labtops.desktops to no avail but the thing is all of us disconnect at the same time and it stays down for like 3 mins then connect backs again.Then goes back down in the next 20mins exact.The problem is definitely on their end cause all 4 of us are affected at the exact same time..My isp is using the Motorola canopy systems and we r like 2 miles away from the broadcasting tower....We have contacted the technicians for my wireless ISP and seems like they can't resolve the problem.All they do is reset the connection but the issue still happens..Do u guys think u might be able to offer any suggestions based on your experience?

Answer : What's wrong with my Wireless ISP?

I agree with thinkpads_user.

However you can check your line with free to join and use). Based on the results, you can point the technicians in the right direction from your end isolating it. (It might be network congestion in the area which will cause the symptoms your having.)

More in likely, hardware on the ISP side is startin to go bad and they having figure out which piece yet or not enough customers complained.

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