Question : How do I remove users from all our group in AD

I currently have a file where I run a DSQUERY on users within a specific OU Which I then PIPE into a DSMOD USER so that i can change the Description on the Accounts.

When this is done I then end up with a DSMOVE to move the Account into another OU.  This all works fine but I know want to also remove the USERS from all the groups they maybe a part of.

The current text I'm using to do all the above barring the removing from groups is as follows:

dsquery user "OU=Disabled Accounts,OU=Data Has Been Archived,OU=base,OU=Staff,OU=Accounts - Archive,DC=Home,DC=co,DC=uk" | dsmod user -desc "Archived %Date%"
For /F "delims=*" %%u IN ('dsquery user -desc Archived* "OU=Disabled Accounts,OU=Data Has Been Archived,OU=Base,OU=Staff,OU=Accounts - Archive,DC=Home,DC=co,DC=uk"') DO dsmove %%u -newparent "OU=Data Has Been Archived,OU=Base,OU=Staff,OU=Accounts - Archive,DC=Home,DC=co,DC=uk"

Many thanks for anyones help

Answer : How do I remove users from all our group in AD

This will list members of OU, for each member it will list groups, then it will remove member from each group. User will remain member of his primary group (Domain Users)

For /F "delims=*" %%w IN ('dsquery user -desc Archived* "OU=Data Has Been Archived,OU=Base,OU=Staff,OU=Accounts - Archive,DC=Home,DC=co,DC=uk"') DO (
      For /F "delims=*" %%g IN ('dsget user %%w -memberof -expand') DO (
            dsmod group %%g -rmmbr %%w

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