Question : NT 4 SP6a WINS on multiple domains across subnet.

I have this scenario

NT 4 SP6a PDC (domain = office) --> Router < -- --> Router --> NT 4 SP6a PDC (domain = warehouse)
2 way trust relationship set up.
WINS running on both PDC's

My problem is that I could add the office WINS server to the warehouse PDC but when I try to add the warehouse WINS server to office PDC, it adds, but I get access denied when I try "Show Database" or statistics.

Any ideas??

TIA Cambo

Answer : NT 4 SP6a WINS on multiple domains across subnet.

This service is using UDP port n° 137, so you can check this firstly but I don't think your problem come from that...
It seems that there is a trouble with autorisations of the account you're using in the domain "warehouse".
Check if this account have enought rights to access to the database...(?) This one is only accessible by default with a Domain Administrator account.
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