Question : Weird Networking Problem
Dear All,
Here's the scenario. The company recently upgraded from a 512k ADSL link to a 1M SHDSL link, with all WAN IPs retained. The setup:
Private LAN (10.131.17.x) f/a0 |--- Cisco 1814 ---| WIC-4ESW |--- SpeedTouch ST610s ---| ----->> Internet
IP Addresses: =========
1814's WIC: 58.185.xx.193 /28 ST610s Inside: 58.185.xx.194 /28 ST610s WAN: 203.115.xx.78 /30 ISP: 203.115.xx.77 /30
After setting up the ST610s, I connected back everything as it originally was. I then plugged my laptop from 1814's fa0, could ping all the way the ISP's IP (203.115.xx.77) but I just couldn't surf the net (from any other workstations). I tried doing a ping to the ISP's DNS without problems too. Whenever I launch IE, it just shows the page cannot be displayed. I've entered the DNS servers correctly on the ST610s and should I plug my laptop directly to the ST610s, I could surf without problems (therefore, it can't be a virus problem). I'd like to add that I have no access to the 1814. Any ideas?
Answer : Weird Networking Problem
Ping isnt the best way to test DNS connectivity. Open a command prompt and type:
If there is a DNS configuration, NSLookup will connect to its primary DNS server. If not, you can issue the following command from DNS command line:
server IPAddressOfTheDNSServer
Then, it will try to connect to the DNS server.
If you have got a connection to DNS, try a search. Type some site name and see if its is resolved. For example:
If your DNS doesn't responds, you may have a firewall issue. Open port 53 on firewall and try again.
If all your DNS config and results are OK, type Exit to quit NSLOOKUP and try a Telnet to www.microsoft.com to see if port 80 is not blocked:
telnet www.microsoft.com 80
You should see a black screen. This means that its connected. Or just test a connection from the web browser. If you cannot connect, try checking your firewall.